• +91-33-22420196/22432509


Mr. H.M.CHORARIA, Director, B.COM, LL.B & FCS-2398, Mob. 9830058715

He has professional experience of 35 years. He was elected to the apex position as the President of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India for the year 2006. He looks after Company/Corporate Laws, Securities Law, Economic Laws, Taxations, Management Consultancy, Drafting of Legal Documents and CLB matters. He was a Member Corporate laws Sub Committee of Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Kolkata, he has Regular Interaction With Regulating Agencies Like, MCA, Company Law Board, Stock Exchanges, and other Departments of Central and State Governments. He is Associated with large number of NGOs, Professional, Social and cultural organizations and a Director on private limited companies. He is a visiting faculty at various professional institutes/ associations. He was a Member of the National Advisory Committee on Accounting Standard – 2006-07, Widely traveled man through out the country & abroad, He was Chairman of the EIRC of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India during the year 1997 and 1998 and served at various position at EIRC of ICSI and the Central Council of the ICSI during 1995 to 2006, He is former President of the International Federation of Company Secretaries.

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